Malagouzia, Ktima Iatridi 750ml
A dry white wine with aromas of citrus fruits, yellow tropical fruits and white flowers. It has medium to full body, good acidity and a lingering finish.
Syrah – Mavrotragano, Ktima Iatridi 750ml
The international Mediterranean variety Syrah teams up with the distinctive Aegean variety Mavrotragano, giving a special wine with dominant aromas of small red fruits. Rich on the palate with moderate tannins and acidity and a peppery finish.
Ampelourgos Rose, Ktima Iatridi 750ml
A wine with a light salmon colour and pink highlights. It is elegant and elegant with an expressive nose and crisp taste. Its fruity aftertaste comes in balance with its acidity.
Ampelourgos Assyrtiko, Ktima Iatridi 750ml
Distinguished by lemony aromas, white-fleshed fruit and has an oily and creamy texture always against a barrel background, without it being intense. A wine with volume and complexity that will reward you further with ageing.