Blanc de Gris, Ktima Tselepos 750ml


A white dry wine made from Moschofilero variety has the name Blanc de Gris. It comes from Mantinia in Peloponnese and it belongs to Tselepos Winery.

Weight 1.5 kg


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It is a crisp, refreshing white wine with fine aromas of citrus fruits and lemon flowers of great intensity. Full bodied in harmonic balance with its acidity. Can be cellared for 2 years. Will pair with salads, poultry, seafood and fish.

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Taking advantage of the ecosystem of Arcadian land, they set moschofilero vineyards at an altitude of 750 metres. The very special microclimate of Mantinia, is what makes this variety differ compared to other varieties grown in Peloponnese. The wine they get from Moschofilero vines is a “blanc de gris”, a white wine from grey grapes. The vineyard is located to the privately owned vineyards in the hilly area Perpatiates. Modern technological vinification with the use of prefermation extraction at a temperature of 10o C. The first stage takes place in stainless steel tanks and then the must is transferred to barrels where the fermentation is concluded. The wine matures on its fine lees.

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