Xinomavro Combo II
Cuvée Spéciale, Karanika Estate 750ml
A white extra brut sparkling wine, a blend of Xinomavro and Assyrtiko varieties with aromas of citrus fruits, stone fruits and yeast. In the mouth it is rich and the bubbles give freshness but also noticeable acidity.
Xinomavro Gerovasiliou, Gerovasiliou Estate 750ml
A rosé dry wine from Xinomavro with mind-blowing strawberry aromas! Its acidity gives it freshness which is in harmony with the aromas and flavours of the wine.
Naoussa Dalamara, Dalamara Winery 750ml
A red wine representative of the Xinomavro variety. The plum and the tomato (paste) are the protagonists and the strong acidity of the wine gives freshness. Its body is medium with noticeable tannins.